Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight?

French bulldog eyesight

French Bulldogs are a popular breed of dog that have captured the hearts of many dog lovers. They are known for their distinctive “bat ears,” friendly personalities, and adorable looks. However, like all dogs, French Bulldogs can get sick.

One common question pet owners may have is whether French Bulldogs can catch colds. After all, their compact size and short snouts may make them more vulnerable to respiratory infections than other breeds.

Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight?

While it’s true that some French Bulldogs may have poor eyesight, this is not a universal characteristic of the breed. However, French Bulldogs are prone to certain eye conditions that can impact their vision.

One of the most common eye conditions in French Bulldogs is the cherry eye, which occurs when the gland in the eye that produces tears becomes inflamed and protrudes from the eye. This can cause discomfort and can even impair vision if left untreated. Other eye conditions impacting French Bulldogs include cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal ulcers.

What are the Common Eye Problems in French Bulldogs?

As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to be aware of the common eye problems that can affect your French Bulldog and to seek veterinary care promptly if you suspect any issues.

1. Cherry Eye

Cherry eye is a common eye problem in French Bulldogs that occurs when the third eyelid gland prolapses or falls out of place. This can cause a visible red or pink mass to protrude from the corner of the eye, hence the name “cherry eye.” Symptoms include excessive tearing, redness, and swelling around the affected eye.

The potential cause of cherry eye is genetics, but trauma or injury can also contribute. Cherry eye can affect a French Bulldog’s eyesight if left untreated, leading to complications such as dry eye or corneal ulcers.

2. Entropion

Entropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls inward, causing the eyelashes to rub against the cornea, which can lead to pain, irritation, and damage to the cornea. Symptoms include excessive tearing, redness, and squinting.

Entropion can be caused by genetics or trauma and can affect a French Bulldog’s eyesight if left untreated. Over time, entropion can cause corneal ulcers and other eye-related complications.

3. Ectropion

Ectropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls outward, causing the eyelashes to droop away from the eye, exposing the eye’s surface. Symptoms include excessive tearing, redness, and a visible lower eyelid drooping.

Ectropion can be caused by genetics or trauma and can affect a French Bulldog’s eyesight by leaving the cornea exposed and vulnerable to injury and infection.

4. Cataracts

Cataracts are a common eye problem in dogs that affect the clarity of the lens, causing it to appear cloudy or opaque. Symptoms include cloudy or bluish discolouration of the lens, difficulty seeing in low light conditions, and a visible change in eye colour.

Cataracts can be caused by genetics, injury, or underlying medical conditions such as diabetes. Cataracts can affect a French Bulldog’s eyesight by causing blurred or obstructed vision, leading to difficulty navigating their surroundings.

5. Corneal Ulcers

Corneal ulcers are a painful and potentially serious condition with a break in the cornea’s surface. Symptoms include excessive tearing, redness, swelling, and squinting. Corneal ulcers can be caused by trauma, scratches, or underlying medical conditions such as dry eye or entropion.

Corneal ulcers can affect a French Bulldog’s eyesight by causing pain, discomfort, and potential long-term damage to the cornea if left untreated.

Signs of Poor Eyesight in French Bulldogs To Look Out For?

A behaviour change is one of the most noticeable signs of poor eyesight in French Bulldogs. A dog struggling to see may become more anxious or agitated than usual. They may also become more hesitant or nervous when moving around, especially in unfamiliar environments. Other behavioural changes may include:

  • Bumping into objects: Dogs with poor eyesight may have difficulty navigating their surroundings and bump into objects such as furniture, walls, or doors.
  • Hesitation on stairs or uneven terrain: French Bulldogs with poor eyesight may struggle to navigate stairs or uneven terrains such as hills, sidewalks, or rocky surfaces. They may hesitate or become cautious when encountering these types of obstacles.
  • Change in activity level: French Bulldogs with poor eyesight may become less active or less interested in playing or going on walks. They may also become more dependent on their owners for guidance.
  • Increased vocalization: Some French Bulldogs may vocalize more frequently or loudly when experiencing poor eyesight. They may also whine, cry, or bark for seemingly no reason.

In addition to behavioural changes, there are several physical cues that French Bulldog owners can look for to determine if their pet is experiencing poor eyesight. These cues include:

  • Squinting or blinking excessively: Squinting or blinking excessively may indicate that a French Bulldog is having difficulty seeing. This is a common way dogs try better to protect their eyes from bright light or focus.
  • Cloudy or discoloured eyes: Cloudy or discoloured eyes can indicate various eye conditions, such as cataracts or corneal ulcers, leading to poor eyesight.
  • Redness or swelling: Redness or swelling in and around the eyes may indicate that a French Bulldog is experiencing an eye infection or inflammation.
  • Rubbing or pawing at the eyes: If a French Bulldog is rubbing or pawing at their eyes frequently, it may be a sign of discomfort or irritation, indicating poor eyesight.
  • Nystagmus: Nystagmus is a condition where the eyes move rapidly and uncontrollably, often back and forth or up and down. Left untreated, it can indicate a serious underlying health issue leading to poor eyesight.

Guide on Preventing Eye Problems in French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs can develop various eye problems, from minor irritations to severe conditions affecting their vision. Fortunately, there are steps that pet owners can take to prevent eye problems from occurring.

1. Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are crucial in preventing eye problems in French Bulldogs. A veterinarian can detect eye problems in their early stages, which can help prevent further complications. It is recommended to schedule an eye exam during your French Bulldog’s routine check-up.

During an eye exam, the veterinarian will check for any signs of eye problems, including redness, discharge, cloudiness, and changes in eye size.

2. Keep the Eye Area Clean

The area around a French Bulldog’s eyes should be kept clean to prevent dirt, dust, and other irritants from entering the eyes. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the area around the eyes daily gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals or soaps, as they can irritate the eyes.

3. Provide a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E can help maintain healthy eyes in French Bulldogs. Vitamin A is essential for good vision, while vitamin C helps maintain healthy eye blood vessels. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals.

4. Avoid Trauma to the Eyes

Avoid activities that could potentially harm your French Bulldog’s eyes. For example, playing with sharp toys can cause eye injuries. Also, avoid allowing your dog to ride in the car with its head out the window, as debris or dust can enter the eyes and cause irritation or injury.

5. Protect Eyes from the Sun

French Bulldogs are also susceptible to sunburn and eye damage caused by UV rays. Therefore, it is essential to protect their eyes from the sun by providing shade or using dog goggles. Dog goggles are designed to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays and are an excellent option for dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors.

6. Manage Allergies

Allergies can cause eye problems in French Bulldogs. If your dog has allergies, it is essential to manage them to prevent eye problems. Consult your veterinarian about the best allergy management strategies for your French Bulldog.

What Should I Do If My French Bulldog Develops an Eye Problem?

Eye problems can range from minor irritations to severe conditions that affect your furry friend’s vision. So, taking action immediately is crucial if your French Bulldog develops an eye problem.

1. Identify the Symptoms

The first step in dealing with an eye problem in your French Bulldog is identifying the symptoms. Symptoms of eye problems in French Bulldogs include:

  • Redness
  • Discharge
  • Swelling
  • Cloudiness
  • Changes in the size or shape of the eye
  • Squinting or pawing at the eye
  • Excessive tearing

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately.

2. Don’t Try to Self-Diagnose

While diagnosing your French Bulldog’s eye problem may be tempting, it is best to leave it to the professionals. Only a qualified veterinarian can accurately diagnose and treat an eye problem in a dog.

3. Take Your French Bulldog to the Vet

If your French Bulldog develops an eye problem, immediately take them to the veterinarian. The veterinarian will examine the eye and determine the cause of the problem. Depending on the diagnosis, the veterinarian may prescribe medication or recommend surgery.

4. Follow Your Veterinarian’s Instructions

After the veterinarian has diagnosed and treated the eye problem, it is crucial to follow their instructions carefully. This may include administering medication or following a specific treatment plan. It is essential to follow these instructions to ensure that your French Bulldog makes a full recovery.

5. Prevent Future Eye Problems

Once your French Bulldog has recovered from the eye problem, it is essential to take preventive measures to avoid future eye problems. Regular eye exams, keeping the eye area clean, providing a healthy diet, avoiding eye trauma, protecting eyes from the sun, and managing allergies are all essential in preventing eye problems in French Bulldogs.

How often should I take my French Bulldog to the vet to have its eyes checked?

what french bulldog should eat

The frequency of eye check-ups for French Bulldogs depends on various factors, such as the dog’s age, health, and medical history. However, as a general rule, you should take your French Bulldog to the vet for an eye check-up at least once a year.

If your French Bulldog has a history of eye problems, you may need to take them for more frequent check-ups. Older dogs and dogs with certain health conditions affecting their eyesight, such as diabetes or Cushing’s disease, may also need more frequent check-ups.

Additionally, suppose you notice any unusual symptoms such as redness, discharge, cloudiness, or vision problems in your French Bulldog’s eyes. In that case, you should take them to the vet for a check-up as soon as possible, regardless of their last check-update.

Can Supplements or Vitamins Improve French Bulldog Eyesight?

Certain vitamins and supplements can help improve your French Bulldog’s eyesight. It’s essential to remember that vision problems can stem from various factors such as genetics, ageing, and underlying health conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to have your furry friend checked by a veterinarian to determine the cause of any vision problems before administering supplements.

  • Vitamin A is an essential vitamin that is responsible for maintaining eye health. It promotes good vision and helps prevent eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration. However, it’s crucial to be careful with the dosage because excessive amounts of vitamin A can be toxic. Ensure that you consult your veterinarian for the appropriate dosage.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are good for overall eye health. They reduce inflammation, which can lead to eye problems such as dry eye and uveitis. They also promote good blood flow to the eyes, which is necessary for proper functioning. You can find Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds.
  • Lutein is a nutrient that helps protect the eyes from harmful light waves like UV light. It is found in dark, leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale. It is also available as a supplement.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect the eyes from free radicals that can damage cells. It also promotes the healing of tissues and may help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, broccoli, and peppers.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and eyes. It can be found in nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables.


while French Bulldogs are a beloved and popular breed, they do have a higher likelihood of experiencing certain eye conditions. These conditions can cause varying degrees of vision loss, impacting their quality of life. It is important for French Bulldog owners to be aware of these potential issues and to take steps to prevent and manage them through regular veterinary care and preventative measures.

With proper care and attention, French Bulldogs can live happy and healthy lives, even with compromised eyesight. So if you’re considering adding a French Bulldog to your family, be sure to prioritize their eye health and do regular check-ups with a trusted veterinarian a top priority

Written by Justin Michaels