Providing your fish with a nutritious diet is key to keeping them active, strong, and healthy. Their diet should contain all the necessary nutrients like vitamins A, C, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, and iron. This will ensure the healthy growth of your fish and make them have a strong immune system.
They wouldn’t get prone to diseases easily. Any deficiency in their diet can lead to one issue or another which is not what we desire.
There are various types of peas on the market, ranging from canned peas with preservatives, frozen peas which can be quite strong, and organically grown peas. How do you choose the right choice of peas for your fish? Worry not because this article has all the answers you need.
Are Peas Good For Fish?
Peas are good for your fish. It contains about 7g of fibres which will help your fish with digestion, especially goldfish. It also contains vitamins like vitamins A and C, Calcium, and Iron. This provides them with the healthy benefits of these nutrients for their growth. Vitamin A and Calcium will help in their bone development while Vitamin C will help in digestion, preventing them from some diseases and also improving their healing process from diseases.
The fibre in the peas will help reduce the risk of your fish getting bloated. In a situation where it is already bloated, you can use peas as a remedy to reduce it because they will serve as a laxative.
There are different forms of peas in the market ranging from frozen peas to canned peas. Although peas are good for your fish, not all are suitable for it. Some peas like the canned ones are packed with preservatives that can contain chemicals/substances that are harmful to your fish. Some of the fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides used while growing the peas can be harmful if fed to your fish.
There is every need to make sure you give your fish organic-grown peas. There will not any worry as to the harmful effect of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, preservatives, or salt. You can get 100% organic peas in grocery shops or at your farmers’ market. When buying packaged peas, make sure there is a label that shows it is organic.
Can You Use Peas as Laxative?
Feeding your fish with green peas has been a common and an old home remedy/hack amongst aquarium hobbyists. The high fibre content in peas helps to flush out the stomach. Feeding peas to your fish when constipated, or bloated will reduce it without much stress. You can also use peas to treat swim bladder disease in fish.
When using peas as laxatives, you have to make sure your fish’s stomach is empty. After feeding them and their bloating, constipation, or swim bladder disease doesn’t show any sign of improvement, then seek immediate medical attention from a professional. Do not forget to inform them about feeding your fish with peas. This will help them in knowing the right medication to administer.
What Are The Type Of Peas Suitable For Your Aquarium Fish?
There are various types of peas which you can choose from to feed your fish. Below are some of the different peas and how suitable they are for your fish.
- Canned peas: All canned vegetables contain a high amount of sodium and preservatives. This type of peas is not recommended for your fish because these preservatives can cause an unwanted effect on your fish. If you can find canned peas that don’t have any preservatives, then you can feed them to your fish, otherwise, it is not a good option.
- Garden peas: These are the most common variety you can find in almost all stores. They can be quite big for a smaller fish. You will need to cut it into smaller pieces for your fish to be able to consume them.
- Frozen peas: This is the best option for your fish. You can feed them to your fish after running them over hot water to thaw.
Some other varieties of peas you can give to your fish are Snap peas, Snow peas, And Split peas among others.
How Often Can You Feed Peas To Your Fish?
Peas are a food source of vitamins A and C, Calcium, and Iron which are beneficial to your fish. It also has a laxative effect on your fish. Most standard fish food contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that your fish will need for it to grow healthy. You fish gets most of these nutrients from their food.
Feeding peas to your fish can be a weekly routine to serve as a laxative to relieve them of bloating. If you want to feed them more than once a week, you should spread the pea meal properly to allow your fish to absorb nutrients from other food given to them you can spread it by giving them the second pea meal 3-4 days apart from the first meal.
If your fish is suffering from swim bladder disease, bloating, or is constipated, giving them peas daily will help solve this in just a matter of days. If it doesn’t, then you will need to seek the advice of a professional.
How Do You Feed Your Fish Frozen Peas?
When buying frozen peas, make sure you look out for the label that shows organic. This will ensure you are giving your fish peas that are devoid of any herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers that might have some negative effect on your fish. Here are some steps on how to feed your fish with organically produced peas.
- Pour some boiling water into a bowl. The bowl does not necessarily need to be big and the water should be just enough to cover and soak the peas. Put the frozen peas into the bowl inside the boiling water
- With the peas inside, allow the boiled water to cool down to room temperature. All unused peas should be well repacked to avoid them getting degraded after coming in contact with oxygen.
- Take out the peas from the bowl and remove the outer skin. You will get two soft and mushy seedings. if they don’t feel this way, you should put them back into the water to get soft.
- After peeling, you can drop the seeds into the tank. They will sink to the bottom where your fish can easily consume them. If you notice that the seeds are too big for your fish mouth, you can cut them into smaller pieces with a knife or blade.
There is an alternative way of preparing peas for your fish. You place the frozen peas in a small bowl with water and then microwave. Do not forget to cover the bowl to prevent the peas from exploding which can be very messy.
Peas are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre which is beneficial to your fish. Feeding them peas can be done occasionally and not as a staple food. It has laxative effects and can help relieve bloating.
The vitamins A and Calcium in it help your fish in maintaining a healthy bone while the vitamin C helps them to have a stronger immune system with fast healing. When buying peas for your fish, avoid canned peas because the preservatives might not be suitable for their consumption. Always go for organically produced peas.