Can You Change A Rabbit Cage While Pregnant?

rabbit cage

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for any rabbit owner. But it can also be pretty nerve-wracking. No matter how much you know about your pet, there’s always the chance that you might do something that could hurt her or her babies.

To help you feel more at ease during the gestation of your furry friend, here are some tips on how to keep your pregnant rabbit safe and comfortable while she’s expecting.

Can You Change A Rabbit Cage While Pregnant?

When a rabbit is pregnant, it can be difficult to tell because there are no physical signs. If you suspect your rabbit may be pregnant, consult your veterinarian for an examination and confirmation.

While it’s true that rabbits can give birth in the wild without any assistance from humans or other animals (though they often need help when raising their young), domesticated rabbits should not be allowed to give birth on their own due to their high risk of maternal mortality.

Domesticating rabbits means keeping them inside where they’ll have access to food, water and medical care so they can live past the first few weeks of life—and parenthood.

Is It Safe To Clean Rabbit Cage While Pregnant?

The short answer is no, it is not safe to clean the rabbit cage while she is pregnant. Rabbits are very sensitive animals and their stress levels can easily become too high during pregnancy. If you have a female rabbit who seems like she needs a clean cage, or if you have an unplanned litter of rabbits in your home, then please do not clean her cage until after she has given birth. Any stress on the mother rabbit at this time could cause her to miscarry or even die during birth.

Some other reasons that it’s not a great idea to change or clean the rabbit’s cage while she’s pregnant:

  • The nest box may be occupied by nesting material (unless this was removed with some care). You don’t want anyone kicking through that.
  • The nest box may contain eggs at this point; if so, removing them would kill them.
  • A nursing mother will leave milk around for her babies – collecting all these droppings can be messy and stressful for momma-rabbit.

How To Keep Pregnant Rabbits Safe

  • You should keep your pregnant rabbit in a separate cage. Your rabbit’s cage should be big enough for it to stretch out and move around, but small enough so that it cannot jump out of the cage on its own.
  • Don’t let your rabbit out of its cage.
  • Don’t let your rabbit near other animals or children, as they may get hurt because the hormones released during pregnancy can make rabbits act more aggressive than usual.
  • Don’t let your rabbit near other pregnant rabbits, as this can cause them stress which will affect their health negatively and possibly result in premature labour or even death if things get too bad. Also don’t allow any other pets (especially males) within close proximity as they could hurt her unborn babies with their strong scents.

What Should I Feed My Pregnant Rabbit?

When your rabbit is pregnant, you want to make sure that they’re getting the nutrients they need to support their developing babies. The best way to do this is by feeding them fresh greens and hay.

We recommend feeding fresh vegetables (such as leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini) instead of fruit because it can be too sugary for your bunny’s digestive system. Unless you’re feeding a large amount in one sitting or you know your rabbit loves sweet things (like carrots), avoid giving them any fruits during pregnancy as well.

You should also never give rabbits iceberg lettuce—it has no nutritional value and can cause indigestion if eaten regularly over time. Instead, opt for romaine lettuce or other leafy greens like collard greens or kale—they have more fibre which will help keep things moving along smoothly through her pregnancy.

How Much Should I Feed My Pregnant Rabbit?

How much to feed your rabbit depends on a lot of factors, including the type of food you’re feeding and the age and health of your rabbit. But generally speaking, healthy adult rabbits need around 1 ounce (about 30 grams) of food per day. Pregnant rabbits need more than that—around 2 ounces (about 60 grams) for every 3 lbs (1 kg). And nursing mothers need even more: 3 or 4 ounces every day for every 3 lbs (1 kg).

As with any animal diet plan, it’s always best to consult an experienced veterinarian before making drastic changes in your pet’s eating habits.

When Do Pregnant Rabbits Start Nesting?

The nesting instinct usually kicks in around day 30, but it can begin before or after this point. In fact, the nesting instinct can kick in at any time during your rabbit’s pregnancy.

So if you’re thinking of changing her cage—or adding more toys and accessories—you might want to wait until she’s over halfway through her pregnancy to avoid confusing her with changes too close to delivery time.

Must Read:

Where Should I Put My Pregnant Rabbit?

When you’re expecting a baby, you have to consider where you are going to have the mother or mother-to-be live during her pregnancy.

Rabbits are territorial animals, so it’s important to choose an area of your home that already has some rabbit odour on it (such as the litter box) and let that become your rabbit’s territory for her pregnancy.

Do not allow another rabbit in there if possible! They will fight over territory and since they can be quite vicious, this is something that should be avoided at all costs! Also, keep them away from dogs and cats; these bigger animals may mistake them for prey items and attack when they get too close for comfort.

Finally, do not place any children under 12 years old within at least two feet of your pregnant bunny—they tend toward mischief and could accidentally hurt mommy with their running around near her cage door while she’s trying to settle down into nesting behaviour once again after giving birth.”

How much space does a pregnant rabbit need?

If you have one rabbit, 8 to 10 square feet is plenty of room. If you have more than one rabbit, more space will be needed (of course). You can also get by with less space if your rabbit has a smaller size—weighing less than 11 pounds or measuring less than 3 feet long.

And then there’s personality: if your rabbit has a large personality or litter size (which means the number of babies), then it’s important that they’re given enough space.


By now, you know that there are many things to consider when moving a rabbit. It’s important to move them slowly and carefully so they don’t get hurt or stressed out. If the cage is too big for your pregnant rabbit, then make sure it has enough room for a nesting box.

Also, keep in mind that some pregnant rabbits may be more active than usual around this time so make sure she has plenty of space for exercise.

Written by Justin Michaels

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