Can You Keep Axolotl in a Plastic Tub?

Axolotls are sensitive creatures that depend on humans for their care and feeding, especially in captivity. The care includes meeting their housing requirements which are as important as the food they consume.

Tubbing in axolotls refers to housing axolotls in a temporary house, and the phrase” tub” is always used when referring to plastic tubs in axolotls keeping.

Axolotls can be kept in a plastic tub either temporarily or permanently, but it has to have a lid and must be of the right size with the right water parameters.

I know you are excited that you can keep your axolotls in a plastic tub, and keep reading to understand how to go about it fully.

What Size Of Tub Should I Use For My Axolotls?

There is no perfect size of plastic tub to use for your axolotls, but make sure the tub you will be getting is wide enough for your pet to turn without any hindrance and still be able to accommodate decorations and hideouts.

You can use a 15 to 20-gallon long plastic tub for your axolotls, but there might be a little challenge when you want to drain water, which might make you want to consider a shoe box-size plastic tub. However, using a shoe box size depends on the size of the axolotl.

What Type Of Plastic Tub Is Safe To Use For My Axolotls?

Plastics are generally safe to use for your pets, but to be on the safer side, go for one that is free of toxic contaminants or foreign smells, which might make you want to consider making use of transparent food-grade plastic with a lid to prevent your axolotls from jumping out of the tank.

However, the lid must not be tight to maintain the exchange of air.

A few of the safe plastics to use for axolotls are always with the following inscriptions, and they are.

  • Plastic with the inscription 1 PET Or PETE, which means polyethylene terephthalate, is safe and mostly used for food and drink packaging but must be used cautiously for your pet’s housing.
  • Any plastic tub with  2 HDPE inscriptions meaning high-density polyethylene, is safe for axolotls because it can withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Plastic with 5 PP inscribed on it means polypropylene which is safe for your pets as it can resist heat.

Any other plastics without the above inscriptions are not considered safe for your axolotls, although plastic with the inscription 4 LDPE(low-density polyethylene) can be considered.

How Do I Keep My Axolotls In The Plastic Tub?

Keeping axolotls in a plastic tub is easier than keeping them in an aquarium tank, but you must apply the same caution. Before we go to the few steps, let’s gather the needed materials:

  • Plastic tubs.
  • Mesh Net.
  • Decorations.
  • Thermometer or test kit.
  • Water conditioner.


Step One

Fill the plastic tub with dechlorinated water or condition your water with a water conditioner, ensuring the temperature is within the range of 60 to 68 degrees and the water’s pH is the standard.

Step Two

Place the decorations and hide them in the tub, ensuring it does not accommodate too much space.

Step Three

Place the axolotls into the tub with a mesh net carefully and close with a lid.

How Do I Maintain  My Axolotls Plastic Tub?

Use the turkey baster to remove any waste you notice every minute and reduce the food you will be giving to your axolotls to produce less waste, saving you the stress of having to change the water daily.

Test water daily with your test kit to monitor the ammonia level in the water, and do the necessary things even if you have to change the water.

Water should be changed completely, and this should be done in the morning and the evening as it takes 8 hours for ammonia to build up.

How Long Can My Axolotls Stay In The Plastic Tub?

Your axolotls can stay in the tub if the water parameters are right and ammonia-free. However, when you notice your pet is not eating or eating less, please put it back into the aquarium tank as it is not finding the environment conducive.

What Are The Benefits Of Tubbing My Axolotls?

There are few benefits related to housing axolotls in a plastic tub, not minding that your pet are sensitive creatures and they are,

  • The plastic tub is easy to clean as it is not fragile as an aquarium tank.
  • It is the easiest for isolating and treating sick axolotls.
  • Axolotls are easy to care for in a plastic tub as they can be seen clearly in plastic tub.
  • It can be used during aquarium tank water changes.
  • Plastic tubs are easy and cheap to purchase, unlike glass tanks.
  • The tubs are portable and do not take much space as an aquarium tank will do.
  • It is easy to move around and is mostly used during aquarium emergencies.

What Are The Demerits Of Tubbing My Axolotls?

Axolotls tubbing also has few demerits, although the merits are more pronounced than the demerits, which can be worked on by maintaining the tub properly.

The demerits include,

  • Your pets tend to be scared, making them lose their appetite as they are uncomfortable in their new home(plastic tub).
  • It is stress full as you must maintain the tub by changing the water daily to prevent ammonia build-up, which harms your pets’ health.

Can I House My  Axolotls In A Plastic Tub Without  A Filter?

Yes. Your axolotls can be housed in a plastic tub without a filter though it might require you to change the water twice, which is very stressful.

Can I House My  Baby Axolotls In  A Plastic Tub?

Yes. Your cute baby pet can be housed in a plastic tub if there is enough space with correct water parameters duly monitored. However, the tank should be free of toxic contaminants.


I believe this article has been a  great help in opening your eyes to the benefits associated with tubbing your axolotls. Keeping axolotls in the plastic tub is very easy, but you need to know the right size for your pet and use a toxic-free plastic tub.

All stages of axolotls can be housed in the plastic tub as it is easy to clean, but it all depends on how willing you are to go through the maintenance process, as it can be stressful.

Written by Justin Michaels