Do rabbits eat marigolds? That is the question that many bunny owners ask themselves. How much do rabbits eat? Do they even like marigold flowers? The answer to all these questions and more is yes, rabbits do eat marigold flowers.
But not because of their taste, but rather for their nutritional value. Rabbits love greens and vegetables, so it makes sense that they would also enjoy eating marigold flowers too. You see, marigold flowers are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and carotenoids such as beta carotene which is what gives them a yellow colour.
Read on to learn more about how rabbits eat marigolds and other interesting facts about rabbit behaviour and their diet.
Will Rabbits Eat Marigolds?
Yes, rabbits eat marigolds but they are not one of their favourite. Rabbits mainly eat green leafy vegetables and grasses. Marigold is flowery, rabbit mostly consumes them as a supplement. They eat the leaves, shoots, and buds before the petals.
Marigold is scented with some species having a stronger scent than others. This strong scent can put off rabbits. Marigold has a lot of water content and fibres. Fibre is very important for a rabbit to grow and thrive well. The petals contain auroxanthin and flavoxanthin (antioxidants) which can add to the nutritional value of a rabbit’s diet with many benefits.
Although marigold contains some nutritional benefit, rabbits should not have them as the main recommended diet. They are not poisonous but overfeeding of marigolds can lead to the following health conditions
- Diarrhea: When your rabbit consumes a lot of marigolds, diarrhoea can occur as it does when new food is introduced too fast to a rabbit.
- GI stasis: When the amount of marigold your rabbit consumes is more than its main diet ( hay, vegetables, and pallet), GI stasis can occur.
Why Do Rabbits Eat Marigold Flowers?
A rabbit’s diet consists of a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs that are provided by the rabbit’s owner. The rabbit eats what is offered, but sometimes also eats what it can find in its environment.
Because rabbits eat a variety of foods, there is a wide variety of parasites, bacteria and other diseases that a rabbit may contract. Vitamin A is found in many green vegetables, and carrots are high in this vitamin.
Vitamin A has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Beta-carotene is the main vitamin A compound found in carrots. This compound is more effective at promoting eye health than Vitamin A.
What Does A Rabbit Eat In Their Diet?
Rabbits are omnivores meaning they are both a herbivore and an omnivorous. They are herbivores in the sense that they feed on grass, hay, and other plant matter. But they are omnivorous animals that eat a wide variety of food items such as vegetables, fruits, unprocessed grains, seeds, nuts, and herbs.
The diet of a rabbit depends on the rabbit’s age, health, and environment. The diet of a young, healthy rabbit is usually composed of vegetables, fruits, hay, and timothy grass. As the rabbit grows older, it consumes more fibre, herbs, and grass.
Timothy grass is rich in folic acid, which is essential for the growth, development, and health of the rabbit.
Benefits Of Eating Marigold Flowers For Rabbits
The benefits of eating marigold flowers for rabbits include:
– Beta-Carotene: Beta-carotene belongs to a class of pigments called carotenoids. Beta-carotene is present in carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya, and many other orange coloured fruits.
Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties and is good for the immune system. It has been found useful in combating cancer, heart disease, and age-related eye problems.
Beta-carotene is also good for your rabbit’s eyes as it increases the amount of oxygen that reaches the eyes due to its antioxidant properties.
– Vitamin A: Vitamin A is very essential for your rabbit’s health. A carrot is rich in this vitamin, which is necessary for the formation of the eyes, skin, teeth, and bones.
– Vitamin C: Vitamin C is also present in carrots and papayas. This vitamin helps in stimulating the growth of healthy bacteria in your rabbit’s intestines and helps in eliminating harmful bacteria.
– Potassium: Potassium helps in regulating the fluid and electrolyte balance in your rabbit’s body.
– Folic Acid: Folic acid is required for the growth and development of a rabbit’s nervous system, muscles, and blood cells.
– Beta-Glucan: Beta-glucan is present in marigold flowers and is good for strengthening the intestinal walls of your rabbit.
How To Grow Marigold Flowers And Give Rabbits
Growing marigold flowers can be done indoors or outdoors. Growing marigold flowers indoors is practical if you want to gift the flowers to your rabbit. Growing marigold flowers indoors is a good option for those bunnies who have a hard time finding a suitable place to enjoy the flowers.
When growing marigold flowers indoors, it is important to keep them in a pot filled with soil. Loose potting soil is preferable as it keeps the soil moist and prevents it from becoming too dry. Also, it is essential to water the plant regularly to prevent it from becoming too dry.
When growing marigold flowers indoors, keep them away from sunlight as this will damage the flowers. You can also place them in a dark, cool place.
Why Is Marigold Used to Keep Rabbits Away?
Marigold flowers are known for their strong scent that is said to make rabbits feel uncomfortable. Since rabbits have poor eyesight, they have a much harder time finding food when marigold flowers are planted nearby.
Additionally, the strong scent of marigold flowers is said to keep other kinds of pests away as well. Rabbits are usually shy animals, but they can be aggressive if they feel threatened or scared.
These pests are known to be very territorial and may become aggressive when they smell a person or a dog nearby. Having a few marigold flowers around your garden can help prevent such problems.
What Kind of Flowers Keep Rabbits Away?
Rabbits can often be annoying pests. Not only do they multiply quickly and eat a lot, but they also leave their own kind of a mess as well. Unfortunately, rabbits are very common in the urban world and pose a problem for many people.
Their presence is especially problematic if you live in an area where they are abundant because they breed so quickly and easily. To keep rabbits away from your flower beds, you should know what kinds of flowers keep rabbits away.
The first thing to know about keeping rabbits away from your flower garden is that they don’t like gardens very much. Some types of plants repel these rodents while others do not.
To find out which ones are most effective at repelling rabbits and other pests, we spoke to several experts about the subject. Here’s what you need to know about which flowers keep rabbits away:
I. Dried Flowers Keep Rabbits Away
One of the most important types of flowers to keep rabbits away from your garden is dried flowers. Rabbits are primarily herbivorous, and therefore, they primarily eat plants. Dried flowers are all-natural, meaning that they are not made up of any kind of plant product.
Therefore, rabbits cannot eat them and so, will not be attracted to the area. Rabbits are very picky eaters, meaning that they only eat specific types of plants. Therefore, if you have rabbit proofed your yard, then they are not going to be able to find any plants to eat.
But, you still need to keep an eye out for them so they do not cause any damage while they are there.
II. Perennials Keep Rabbits Away
Perennials are a great choice for your flower beds because they are not only perennial, but they also repel rabbits. While most annual flowers will last one season only, perennials are generally plants that live for more than three years. This makes them more attractive to the eye than annuals and shrubs, which generally live for one year only.
Many perennials such as perennials daisies and roses are safe for vegetable gardens. In fact, many people choose to grow a mixture of annual and perennial flowers because they are able to harvest the vegetables every year while attracting pollinators and other beneficial insects to help keep the garden pest-free.
The best way to keep rabbits out of your perennial flower beds is to ensure that you provide them with plenty of covers. You can do this by growing dense hedging around your flower beds. This will make it harder for rabbits to find cover.
Additionally, you can install a wire mesh barrier around the perimeter of your beds. This will prevent the rabbits from gaining access.
III. Shrubs Keep Rabbits Away
Many people choose to plant shrubs in their flower beds because they are a great choice for blocking out the sun while still providing a nice colour to the garden. In addition, many shrubs also repel pests.
Because rabbits are mostly a nocturnal breed, they are particularly sensitive to the effects of these plants. Many shrubs out there, including chinquapins, dogwoods, and willow, are highly effective at keeping rabbits out of your flower beds.
IV. Annuals Keep Rabbits Away
One of the most common mistakes made by those who are trying to keep rabbits away from their gardens is that they plant only annual flowers. Although this may seem like a logical choice, it is actually a terrible idea. Annual flowers are only meant to live for one season and then they die.
This means that they are very susceptible to rabbits and other pests that are also only meant to live for one year. Fortunately, there are a number of annual flowers that are safe for gardens. Some of the best include daisies, zinnias and marigolds.
All of these flowers are safe for gardens and will keep rabbits away from your flower beds for more than one season. Additionally, you can also try planting a mixture of annual and perennial flowers. This will make it harder for rabbits to find cover because they will have to move from flower to flower every year.
What Kind of Flowers Are Safe for Your Garden?
Now that you know the types of flowers that are best at keeping rabbits out of your garden, you need to learn which flowers are safe for your own personal space. There are a few rules that you should follow when choosing the right flowers for your flower beds.
These include:
- Choose flowers that are native to your area. Rabbits are native to many areas, and so, by choosing flowers that are common in your area, you will be able to keep them out of your flower beds.
- Choose flowers that are easy to grow. You want to choose flowers that are easy to grow because it will make it easier for you to keep them safe from pests. Choosing flowers that are hard to grow may seem like a good idea, but it is actually a terrible idea. You will find it much easier to keep them safe from pests if you choose flowers that are easy to grow.
- Choose flowers that are hardy. You want to choose flowers that are hardy because it will make it easier for you to keep them safe from pests. Choosing flowers that are not hardy may seem like a good idea, but it is actually a terrible idea.
What Are The Sign That a Rabbit Is Eating Marigolds?
Rabbits love to eat grass, vegetables, tree bark, and flowers depending on what is in season. They mostly eat at dusk and dawn (crepuscular). Plants like marigolds contain a lot of fibre which is good for a rabbit’s diet to help digestion and to keep their teeth healthy.
You can easily tell if a rabbit damaged your flower because it is quite distinctive. The rabbit will eat the flower head and leaves by clipping from the bottom of the stem.
Some of the signs that will tell a rabbit are responsible for eating your marigold plant are;
- Almost if not all the plant leaves will have small, clean-cut bite marks.
- The plant is eaten from the bottom up
- Rabbit track marks around the area
- The stems are bitten at a 45° angle
- Round rabbit droppings
Rabbits do eat a marigold plant, and it’s not poisonous to them but should be eaten moderately. Marigold contains high water content, fibre, and some antioxidants. It is safe for rabbit consumption but in a moderate quantity.
Some species of marigolds can cause serious stomach upset ( Mexican marigold and French marigold) when consumed. Some animals can be responsible for eating your marigold like deer, caterpillars, bees, and some insects.
You can use the sign given in this article to check if your rabbit is the marigold eater or maybe it is one of the other animals we mentioned. With that, you can know who is responsible and the necessary majors to take.