Are Axolotls Poisonous?

axolotls dangerous humans

Axolotls’ unique appearance made most pet lovers keep them in the aquarium, while some people fear the creatures. People are tempted to imagine if they are safe with axolotls. Are axolotls poisonous?

Healthy axolotls are not poisonous. However, they can be disease carriers due to poor tank maintenance. It can be dangerous to health when you don’t wash your hands after touching axolotls and their belongings. Children and aged people with weak immune systems can be in danger of salmonella poison. Eating axolotls gourmet food can also pose poison.

How Do People Get Affected by Salmonella Poison in Axolotls?

No part of axolotls is poisonous, but these creatures’ internal tracts can house salmonella bacteria that can harm life.  There are two ways whereby some people can affect by salmonella poison. 

– Poor Health Condition

When you keep your axolotls in poor water conditions, there is every chance of your pet carrying disease. When the disease has weakened the immune system of your axolotls, they will stool frequently. Having the bacteria in their stool, it will rapidly spread to other parts of the tank. 

You will contact the bacteria when you touch the contaminated surfaces of the tank, including the water in the tank.  People with weak immune systems are easily affected by salmonella bacteria when they ingest the bacteria. They touch axolotls or their tank when they eat food without thoroughly washing their hands.

– Eating Contaminated Food

Some places are known to consume axolotls as gourmet food, exposing them to salmonella disease as there is a high risk of contaminated axolotls. People with weakened immune systems are not safe here. 

Diarrhea, fever, and nausea are symptoms of salmonella bacteria.

Is It Dangerous to Keep Axolotls?

You can cause more harm to your pet axolotls; they do this to you because they are very sensitive to environmental attacks.

However, it would be best to take some precautionary measures when you have them in your aquarium. Axolotls owners can be faced with some dangers;

1. Axolotls Bites

Axolotls bites are common when you own one, as they both have whatever they believe is food to consume in their aquarium. But their bite is not always severe as they don’t have sharp teeth.

When your axolotls grip your hand with the intention that it is food, be calm enough not to make an abrupt move. An abrupt movement of your hand causes damage to your pet’s teeth. Though they can regenerate their broken tissue as well as their teeth and organ, it will take a longer time.

Their bite may not injure your skin, but when it is, ensure you disinfect the part well with an alcohol squad and band the area with an antibacterial band-aid. Avoid dipping your hands in the pet tank with the fresh wound, and prevent contacting salmonella bacteria if the water is contaminated.

2. Salmonella Poisioning

Axolotl’s digestive tract can carry salmonella bacteria, and they will spread the bacteria through the excretion of feces which can easily spread. When touching the infested area or water, people tend to be infected by the salmonella bacteria. 

Salmonella infection can be severe to people, especially those with weakened immunity, like children and older people. This infection can result in diarrhea, stomach cramps, and fever. 

To prevent salmonella infection, you can frequently change your axolotl’s tank water. When cleaning the axolotl’s tank, please avoid using your kitchenware as it can easily be contaminated. And thoroughly wash your hand after handling your pets and their belongings.

3. Axolotls Carnivores Nature

Axolotls are carnivorous amphibians, meaning they can devour other invertebrates like fish in the aquarium. You will discover your fish missing when you have axolotls in the same aquarium. 

It is unsafe to keep baby axolotls with adults, and they will display their predatory behavior and devour their young ones. You can keep axolotls of the same age and size. If you want them to produce offspring, keep the same gender.

You should also know that introducing fish to your axolotl’s tank is challenging as it leads to pest infestation, which can be risky for your pet axolotls.

How Do You Stay Safe Around Axolotls?

You must consider some necessary precautions for your and your pet axolotls to enjoy safety. This precautionary measure includes:

1. Provision of Clean Water in Axolotls Tank

Axolotls can be prone to bacterial infection when you don’t keep them in clean water. For your axolotls to be healthy, please provide them with clean water. And change their tank water frequently to prevent salmonella bacteria infection.

The size of their tank also matters; a 15-gallon or 20-gallon tank will be okay for your axolotls. Don’t fail to fill the tank with enough clean and quality water to submerge happily. The substrate material should be big enough for it to be impossible for axolotls to swallow.

2. Maintaining Proper Hygiene

You and your pet will be safe when you maintain proper hygiene. Wash your hands and rinse them thoroughly when you want to touch your pet, as they can be prone to chemicals from your hands. 

Wash your hand thoroughly after handling your pet to avoid ingesting salmonella bacteria as you eat your food with your hands.

3. Be Careful When Feeding Your Pet

Axolotls can bite your hand when feeding them with the intention that it is food. You can avoid their bites if you use blunt forceps when feeding them. 


Axolotls are not poisonous when in good health but can be bacteria carriers, especially when you keep them in poor water conditions in the tank. They easily contact salmonella bacteria infection in dirty and unhealthy water. 

When their digestive tract carries the salmonella bacteria,, they spread it through their excretion. Salmonella bacteria can be fatal to older people and kids when they ingest it.

To prevent salmonella bacteria wash your hands properly when you handle your pet axolotls before eating with your hands. Gently handle your pet axolotls to avoid causing damage to their slime coat, which protects their body.

Written by Justin Michaels