Can I Put Two Parakeets in the Same Cage?

2 parakeets in a cage

I’ve always been captivated by the vibrant plumage and lively personalities of parakeets, those charming little birds that bring so much joy into our lives. A few years ago, I embarked on my journey of parakeet parenting, and from the very start, I was faced with a question that many bird enthusiasts ponder: Can I put two parakeets in the same cage?

The idea of having two parakeets sharing their living space was intriguing, but it also came with its share of doubts and uncertainties. Would they get along? Could they become lifelong buddies, or would they end up in squabbles?

Certainly, in my experience, it’s entirely possible to house two parakeets in the same cage successfully. To ensure a harmonious cohabitation, consider the following key factors: First, choose a spacious cage that allows both birds to move freely. Keeping parakeets of the same gender is generally advisable to prevent unexpected breeding and potential conflicts.

When introducing them, do it gradually, monitor their interactions, and allow them time to get acquainted. Providing an array of toys and activities can keep them engaged and reduce boredom, thus minimizing potential disagreements. Finally, spend quality time with both birds to strengthen their bond and ensure they feel loved and secure. With these considerations, having two parakeets in one cage can double the joy and create a delightful environment for both you and your feathered friends.

Guide on How To Keep Two Parakeets Inside a Cage

If you’re considering keeping two parakeets in the same cage, you’re in for double the fun and twice the chirps. H

1. Selecting the Right Cage

Choosing the appropriate cage is crucial when keeping two parakeets together. Here are some key considerations:

  • Size: Your cage should be spacious enough to allow your parakeets to stretch their wings and move around comfortably. A good rule of thumb is a minimum size of 18x18x24 inches for two parakeets, but larger is always better. I recommend the Prevue Hendryx Flight Cage for its roomy design.
  • Bar Spacing: Ensure the cage bars are appropriately spaced to prevent escapes or injuries. The recommended bar spacing for parakeets is 1/2 inch.

2. Cage Setup

Once you’ve selected the right cage, it’s time to set it up for your feathered friends:

  • Perches: Provide a variety of perches of different thicknesses and textures to keep their feet healthy and comfortable. Opt for natural wooden perches, such as the QBLEEV Bird Perch.
  • Toys: Parakeets are intelligent and active birds. Keep them mentally and physically stimulated with a range of toys. Favourites often include bells, mirrors, and hanging toys like the Prevue Hendryx Cuttlebone and Bell.
  • Feeding Dishes: Use sturdy, easy-to-clean feeding dishes. I recommend the Living World Ergonomic Dish for its durable design.

3. Social Interaction

Parakeets are highly social birds, so spend quality time with them daily:

  • Bonding: Interact with your parakeets regularly. Start by talking to them softly, offering treats, and gradually progressing to hand training. Building a bond is essential for their well-being.
  • Playtime: Allow your parakeets out of the cage for supervised playtime. Create a safe, bird-proofed area in your home for them to explore.

4. Feeding

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial:

  • Fresh Water: Ensure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times.
  • Nutritious Food: Provide a balanced diet of high-quality parakeet seed mix, supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables. I recommend Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Parakeet Food.

5. Health Care

Regular health check-ups and proper care are essential:

  • Veterinarian Visits: Schedule regular check-ups with an avian veterinarian to ensure their well-being.
  • Hygiene: Clean the cage and replace bedding regularly to maintain a clean environment.

What Are the Signs That Two Parakeets Are Getting Along and Bonding Well?

2 birds in a cage

One of the most rewarding aspects of keeping parakeets is watching them develop their unique personalities and, even more so, witnessing the bonds they form.

Have you ever wondered what the signs are that your two parakeets are getting along and bonding well?

1. Comfortable Physical Proximity

One of the first signs that two parakeets are getting along is their willingness to be close to each other. You may notice them sitting on a perch or preening each other’s feathers, a bird bonding behaviour. 

Parakeets comfortable in each other’s presence will exhibit relaxed body language with no signs of aggression or fear.

2. Grooming (Allopreening)

Grooming is a social behaviour in birds that reinforces bonding and trust. When two parakeets bond well, they will engage in allopreening, using their beaks to clean and groom each other’s feathers gently.

This act strengthens their bond and helps maintain their plumage in good condition.

3. Singing and Chirping Together

Parakeets are highly vocal creatures in the wild and use their calls to communicate with their flock members.

When two parakeets get along, they often sing and chirp together. This synchronized vocalization is a positive sign of their growing camaraderie and indicates they are content in each other’s presence.

4. Playful Interactions

A strong bond between the two parakeets is evident when they engage in playful behaviours. They may indulge in games like chasing each other around the cage, playing with toys, or performing acrobatic manoeuvres.

Play is a crucial aspect of bonding, and observing these activities positively indicates a healthy relationship.

5. Mutual Feeding

Another heartwarming behaviour that signals a strong bond is mutual feeding. Parakeets that get along will offer each other seeds or treats from their beaks.

This gesture displays trust and affection, as feeding is essential to bonding and care within a flock.

6. Nesting Together

It’s common to observe nesting behaviours in bonded pairs, even if they are not breeding.

If you notice your parakeets spending time together in a nesting box or rearranging their cage bedding, it’s a sign that they have formed a deep bond.

7. Preoccupation with Each Other

When two parakeets are bonded, they often prefer each other’s company over interacting with humans or other birds.

They will seek each other out and may appear distressed or restless when separated for extended periods.

What Should Be the Size of the Cage for Two Parakeets to Live Comfortably?

The size of the cage for two parakeets is a crucial factor in ensuring their comfort and well-being. A suitable cage should allow ample space for both birds to move around freely, stretch their wings, and exercise. Generally, a cage with dimensions of at least 24 inches in width, 18 inches in depth, and 24 inches in height is recommended for accommodating two parakeets comfortably.

A spacious cage enables the birds to engage in natural behaviours like hopping, climbing, and playing with toys, which are essential for their physical and mental stimulation. Additionally, a larger cage reduces the likelihood of territorial disputes between the parakeets, promoting a harmonious living environment.

While choosing the cage, opt for one with horizontal bars, as parakeets love to climb and explore their surroundings. Provide perches at different heights to encourage exercise and to prevent their feet from becoming sore.

How Can I Encourage a Strong Bond Between My Two Parakeets?

Bringing home a pair of parakeets is an exciting experience, but ensuring they develop a strong bond is crucial for their overall well-being and happiness.

A strong bond between parakeets leads to companionship, reduced stress, and a harmonious living environment.

1. Give Them Time to Get Acquainted

When introducing new parakeets to each other, it’s essential to allow them time to get acquainted slowly.

Place their separate cages side by side for a few days, allowing them to observe and interact without any direct physical contact. This helps build familiarity and reduces initial stress.

2. Supervised Playtime

Once they seem comfortable with each other’s presence, you can initiate supervised playtime outside of their cages.

Use a neutral space and be ready to intervene if any aggressive behaviour occurs. This interaction in a neutral territory helps establish positive associations and reduces territorial instincts.

3. Provide a Spacious Cage

A spacious cage is essential for promoting a strong bond between your parakeets. Ensure the cage is large enough to accommodate both birds comfortably, with plenty of perches, toys, and hiding spots.

A spacious environment prevents overcrowding and minimizes potential conflicts.

4. Offer Multiple Feeding Stations

Parakeets bond over food-sharing activities. To encourage their bond, provide multiple feeding stations with a variety of treats and seeds.

Having separate dishes for water and food is crucial to prevent competition and ensure each bird has access to nourishment.

5. Enrichment Activities

Keep your parakeets mentally and physically engaged by providing enrichment activities. Toys like puzzles, swings, and bells encourage interaction and play, strengthening their bond as they engage in shared activities.

6. Talk and Sing to Your Parakeets

Your parakeets will quickly form a strong bond with you, their caregiver. Spend time talking and singing to them daily.

This not only enhances your relationship but also indirectly reinforces their bond with each other as they share the experience of interacting with you.

7. Observe Their Body Language

Pay close attention to their body language during interactions. If you notice signs of aggression, such as excessive squawking, flapping wings aggressively, or aggressive beak gestures, intervene immediately. Separating them temporarily and reintroducing them later might be necessary.

8. Take Note of Pair Bonding Behaviors

As your parakeets grow closer, you may notice certain pair-bonding behaviours. These can include mutual preening, feeding each other, or staying close together when resting. These actions are positive indicators that their bond is strengthening.

9. Avoid Forced Interactions

Forcing interactions between your parakeets can be counterproductive and may lead to stress or hostility. Allow their relationship to develop at its own pace and respect their boundaries.

10. Maintain a Consistent Routine

Parakeets thrive on consistency and routine. Stick to a regular schedule for feeding, playtime, and sleep. A predictable environment provides a sense of security, which is essential for strengthening their bond.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Keeping Multiple Parakeets in the Same Cage?

They are social creatures by nature and often thrive in the company of their kind. As a result, many bird owners consider keeping multiple parakeets in the same cage to provide them with companionship and enrich their lives. However, while this can be a rewarding experience for both the birds and their owners, it is essential to understand that there are risks involved in this arrangement.

1. Territorial Aggression

Parakeets, despite their sociable nature, can be territorial, especially when sharing their living space with other birds. When multiple parakeets are kept together in a confined cage, they may become territorial over their food bowls, perches, and nesting spaces.

This can lead to aggressive behaviour, including pecking, biting, and squabbling, which can result in injuries or stress for the birds involved.

2. Spread of Diseases

One of the most significant risks of keeping multiple parakeets in the same cage is the potential spread of diseases. When birds are near each other, viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens can spread more easily.

If one parakeet is carrying an infectious disease, it can quickly pass it on to others, resulting in an outbreak that may be challenging to control. Regular health check-ups and quarantine protocols for new birds can help mitigate this risk.

3. Stress and Anxiety

While some parakeets get along well, others may have personality clashes, leading to stress and anxiety. In a confined space, birds that are not compatible may feel constantly stressed, affecting their overall well-being and even causing behavioural issues.

Signs of stress in parakeets include feather plucking, excessive squawking, and reduced appetite. It is essential to monitor the birds closely and separate any individuals showing signs of distress.

4. Dominance Hierarchy

In a multi-bird environment, a dominance hierarchy may form. This means that one or more parakeets may assert themselves as leaders, while others may become more submissive.

While this is a natural behaviour among birds, it can sometimes lead to bullying or exclusion of the lower-ranked individuals, causing stress and social issues within the group.

5. Nesting and Breeding Challenge

If you plan to keep male and female parakeets together, there is a risk of breeding if they reach sexual maturity. While breeding can be a wonderful experience, it also comes with responsibilities and considerations.

Overbreeding can lead to health issues for the female bird, and taking care of the chicks requires additional attention and knowledge.

6. Cage Size and Environmental Enrichment

When keeping multiple parakeets in the same cage, it’s crucial to provide an adequately sized enclosure to ensure they have ample space to move, fly, and exercise. Lack of space can lead to frustration and increased aggression among the birds.

Additionally, providing environmental enrichment such as toys, perches, and climbing structures is essential to keep them mentally stimulated and prevent boredom-related problems.


I’ve discovered that with the right knowledge and a little effort, it’s not only possible but also incredibly rewarding.

By following the guidelines we’ve discussed, such as choosing the right cage, providing a stimulating environment, fostering social interactions, ensuring a balanced diet, and maintaining their health, I’ve been able to create a harmonious living space for my feathered friends.

Having two parakeets in the same cage has brought an abundance of joy and laughter to my life. Their playful antics, chirpy conversations, and the bond they share have made every day brighter. Remember, each parakeet is unique, so it’s essential to pay attention to their individual needs and preferences.

Written by Justin Michaels

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