Axolotl animals are special specie you can’t just stop wondering about. Axolotls breed up to 1500- 2000 per time. Their breeding is said to be more fruitful in perfect water conditions. The axolotls lay eggs between 12 and 72 hours after mating.
Axolotls can also lay multiple eggs per year. Depending on water conditions and mating partner, your axolotls could lay eggs throughout the year.
How To Tell If Axolotls eggs are Fertilized?
Axolotls would have to produce their self. There are ways you can use to determine if your eggs are fertilized. However, there is a possibility that not all the eggs will fertilize after laying them. Fertilized axolotl eggs will have black or white spheres depending on the offspring.
If an axolotls egg is bad, the transparent casing will be cylindrical. Separate the good ones away from the bad eggs.
Fertilized eggs are bigger than unfertilized ones, and the egg will be noticeably black. Fertilized eggs weigh 1.1cm, while unfertilized eggs weigh 0. 2 cm. Egg colors depend on the axolotl’s breed.
How many days does it take for an axolotls egg to hatch?
Female axolotls take between 12- 72 hours to lay their eggs. The water temperature for the eggs should be around 19-20 celsius. The temperature depends on how long your egg is going to hatch.
In perfect water conditions egg will take 14 days to hatch. If the water condition fluctuates, it can take up to 30 days or more. If you can maintain the water conditions, your axolotls will hatch faster.
Can fertile eggs not hatch?
Several conditions can cause this. The tank does not have the right water condition to develop the egg. In this situation, the egg does not hatch even though they are fertilized.
The humidity can also affect the growth of the egg. Make sure to check the humidity so that the axolotl’s egg can develop faster. High temperatures make it hard for the egg to fertilize. The best temperature for egg development is 22 degrees Celsius.
Keeping the tank clean, humidity, and temperature and the important things to do to develop your egg. Water change can also be detrimental to the development of the eggs. During 14- 30 days, it is best not to change the water of your axolotl’s egg.
What do axolotls’eggs look like?
Axolotl eggs are so small. The egg color depends on the specie of axolotls. Healthy eggs will slowly change color to dark colors. The black egg is usually produced by the normal specie of axolotls, while albino axolotls produce the white egg.
Do axolotls eat their egg?
Axolotls can eat their egg, so removing the mother axolotl from the tank after laying its egg is advisable. However, if the egg is useless to you, then you can leave the mother axolotl with the egg to eat them up.
Do Female Axolotls lay unfertilized eggs?
Yes, most female axolotls enter sexual maturity at 12 months. They can now carry out the breeding process even though they are not experienced.
If the female axolotl is too young, they have a high chance of producing unfertilized eggs. This will continue until they mature or undergo two or more breeding processes.
What is the Breeding temperature for Axolotls?
The best temperature for breeding in your tank is 12-14 degrees celsius. Breeders testify that it helps stimulate male axolotls and helps them to mate with the female axolotls. The female has to respond positively for the breeding to be possible. Remember that both your pets have reached the age of 12- 18 months.
As a pet owner, you must change the water before introducing your male and female axolotls and after the mating phase. No water change should be done during mating to avoid disturbing your pets.
How often do axolotls breed?
According to research, axolotls breed twice yearly, around December to June, because it is mostly cold during this period(winter).
However, your axolotls can breed anytime if they live in good water conditions, temperature, and diet. The best months to make your axolotl’s mate are from December to June.
How Can I Prepare the tank for Axolotl Egg breeding?
The tank should have plants for the female axolotls to lay their eggs, making it easier for you to transport them into another tank.
If your male and axolotls have been living in the same tank, separate them and drop the amount of light exposure for (1-2 weeks) before reintroducing them to the same tank again, and increasing the daylight exposure will make them mate quickly.
How to move the fertilized egg from the water
Moving the eggs can be a task full. There are options for removing the axolotl’s egg into a new tank. If your axolotls lay their eggs in a plant, get a glove and carefully remove the plant from the tank. That way, you won’t stress your pet.
If your pet laid its egg on the substrate, you could carefully pick it out with your washed hands. Wash and clean your hands properly to avoid introducing bacteria to the water. Wash your hands with lukewarm water with no soap or chemicals.
Turkey Baster is another instrument to make your work easy. Get a turkey baster, fill the eggs, and carefully drop them in their new tank.
Prepare the new tank where you will be transferring your eggs. The water temperature should be kept between 57-64 degrees Fahrenheit. Plants and decorations are not a suitable option for axolotls egg.
What to feed hatchlings
Baby axolotls, after hatching, feed on their egg sac for survival before being fed other food. Baby axolotls feed on live food because their smelling sense has not yet developed.
They notice food through movement. Live food is the best option for them. Baby axolotls have a small mouth and should be fed small portions 2-3 times daily. You can feed your axolotls; baby brine shrimp, daphnia, chopped black worms, micro worms, tadpoles, larvae, snails, boiled vegetables, small insects, and cricket. Avoid feeding baby axolotls any animal with an exoskeleton.
In conclusion, you can check if your axolotls are fertilized through their size. Do not panic if your axolotls have been laying unfertilized eggs. Your pet is not mature for the mating process yet.